Sunday, December 6, 2009


After creating my wiki and editing others, I found it could be a pretty useful tool to use in the classroom. It seemed fairly simple to use and the best part was the editing of others websites. There seems to be a lot of uses for wiki spaces, and it may set up ways to collaboratively work with students. One of the biggest things about wiki spaces is that it allows other members to edit your own website. This way, everyone can add their 2 cents to the website to either correct the answer or make it more well rounded. There are many different ways that wiki spaces can be used in the classroom, and allow information to reach everyone and be changed by anyone.

One example of a use is simply using it as a discussion board. Sure there are other websites to use to create discussion, but this one makes it all seen on one page. Whereas actual discussion boards means everyone must make new posts or reply to posts, which means reading it may take effort by clicking on different posts and keeping track. Whereas wiki spaces allows all of the information to be on one page so it is easy to read and keep organized. Students don't have to continually click on posts to see what others have said, instead it all is right there at the main website. This goes along with the idea that it can be used to announce something. If the teacher has something important they would like to tell the class, then they could post it on wiki spaces. This way, if students have questions or want to add something they can do so right on the same page. It keeps things less confusing as all of the information is on one page, which seems to be a successful part of the site.

Simply having a wiki space as a classroom site would be extremely beneficial. Things such as study guides, notes, and what needs to be done for homework could all be posted for the students to view. Again, they could even add questions to the page to keep things organized. This also may save the teacher as a lot of the students may have the same questions, but as long as one student asks, the rest could see the response. Posting all of these things on the website would be very beneficial to the teachers and the students. Again, it is a great way for the teachers to contact all students in an organized fashion. Every announcement or any work could be posted, so that all students can see and add questions. Which like stated before, students could see each others questions so that would save the teacher some time, and allow for the students questions to all get answered. It would also be extremely beneficial for the students because it can teach them responsibility in an organized fashion. If a student is absent or forgets what to do for homework, with wiki spaces they really have no excuse for not completing things. It will be their responsibility to get on the class site and see what is all due or what all was done the day they were absent. IF they have any further questions they could edit the page with them, but ultimately the goal of the website would be to save them time and save the teacher time since the students will be responsible for checking the site.

Also, the site is a GREAT way for planning. This was shown in the introductory video for wiki spaces where four friends wanted to plan a camping trip. I am not sure how much this concept would be used in the classroom, but it could be somewhat altered. This idea of planning could be used to plan a class party, so students can sign up for what to bring. In elementary when we did this during class it wasted a lot of time because it was unorganized. This would save time in class because students would sign up on their own time, and everything would be on one page to keep it organized. Students could see what others are bringing, sign up for something else, and even add things they think should still be brought.

Wiki spaces could also be used to create group projects. Students could be assigned to form a website about a particular subject. They could then work in groups to complete some in class, but also add and edit the website on their own. This way they can help each other learn by fixing each others mistakes or adding on to make the answer more complete. Other groups could then look at these websites and ask questions about that groups topic. That way everyone is learning something new, while working collaboratively on one website.

Overall, wiki spaces provides a lot of the same functions that other mediums may offer that we explored (such as blogging). Yet, I think wiki spaces is extremely beneficial due to it's use of editing the one page. It keeps things really organized so you don't have to look through separate posts of people. It is a great way to teach the use of technology. It shows students how to get on the Internet, make a web page, and even edit somebody else's web page. Overall I think the use of wiki spaces teaches students responsibility, technology uses, and keeps things really organized!


  1. You made some very good points about wiki! Some of them I talked about in my post but some I didn't and I'm glad you brought them to my attention because they were really good. I talked about in my blog how wiki could be used for discussion between students and the teacher. I agree that wiki is easy to use for discussion because everything is right there and you don't have to keep clicking on other blogs or pages to see different people's responses. That makes things much easier and more organized. I also talked about how you could use wiki to post assignments and notes for the class to see so that they do not have an excuse as to why an assignment wasn't done or why they were not able to study the notes: everything is right there! I liked how you said wiki could be used for planning and how you brought up the introductory video. I too wondered how it could be used in the classroom but I think that your class party idea was a good way for it to be used. I also liked how you talked about using wiki for group projects. It would be a neat group project to have the students use wiki spaces and make their own own website to about a certain subject. The editing purposes would come in very handy because the students could individually get on and edit the page as well as work on it as a group too. Overall, I really enjoyed your post and you brought up some great points about wiki spaces!

  2. Thanks Breanne! I know we had a lot of similar ideas and a lot of ideas that were also different so I learned from your post as well. I think the big thing is the idea of making it into a discussion due to it all being on one page. It makes the concept a lot more organized and easier to read through!
