Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mr. Winkle Wakes Up

I came across a video in my RSS feed that I found pretty interesting. The video is about Rip Van Winkle waking up from a 100 year slumber, and finding new technology in a lot of places. Yet, when he goes to a school, nothing is changed at all! The computer that is in the room is described as dusty and unused. It makes me think about the lack of technology in schools, and my future goal as a teacher.

This video is a great example of the digital storytelling task for this week. Although I have not started it, I feel that watching this video and realizing the importance of technology along with it, I m more intrigued to make my own. Since I have not created my video, I thought I would use my thinking due to the video to reflect on my lesson plan and how I feel about the integration of technology in classrooms.

With creating the lesson plan that integrates technology, I found my biggest problem was figuring out what the lesson should be on. It wasn't hard to find a way to use technology, as there are so many programs. There's word, powerpoint, online mindmaps, excel, search engines, and countless other technological tools for teaching. It was very easy to incorporate many of these technological aspects, so I found myself wondering what the problem was. If it is so easy to incorporate these aspects what is the dilemma? I know growing up I didn't encounter nearly enough technology in the classroom, and it seems through my observations that that hasn't really changed. In the 5th grade classroom I worked in, not once did the children do anything with technology. Wait! I take that back, the teacher justified this observation by stating that they did in fact watch a movie....Yes, a movie was her prime (and only) technology used. It seems sad that there is so much available, but none of it is used! Why?

A later blog by Matt revels several reasons. One reason could be funding. Not every school has the funding available to invest in computers, projectors, laptops, microphone systems, etc. Without the funding for these resources, of course they aren't going to be able to be used. Yet, I can't see funding as a huge problem. Every school I have observed has had at least one computer in each classroom if not a computer lab in the school. Yet, they were still not being utilized. Why? The teachers. Teachers seem to have a problem shying away from the standard lecture, pencil and paper type of classroom. A lot of this is because they haven't had the training or experience with technology. Which is a good reason on why I am taking (and learning a lot in) this class. I want to be prepared in technology and know how to incorporate it into my classroom. yet, not only is it a lack of training, but a lot of people say that technology is not reliable. Which yes, there can be problems with technology (as I am writing this post my letters are showing up 30 seconds after I type them ! =() But, I would say more often than not technology is reliable.There are times when it does fail us, but that's why there is always a whiteboard and other resources to think of a new way to go about it.

So why use technology? It adds a lot of exciting and interesting ways to go about teaching a lesson. Kids will not be bored with constant lecture or pencil and paper work. It will also teach children how to use technology. In the video Rip encounters so much use of it in areas outside the school. It is obvious that technology is a huge part of society today. School is a prime setting to learn about these technologies so it is important that they start to be used.

Why am I writing about incorporating technology again??!!- This class has really opened my eyes to the importance of technology in the classroom. As a midway point in the semester I have already learned So much about how to integrate technology into my lesson plans. I have even created a lesson plan that does just that. It seems that I have come across so many different mediums I can use in my future classroom all thanks to this class. Just having all of this knowledge makes me feel like I can make a change in the education system. I can go into a school system and proved the knowledge needed to simply start integrating more technology. I am definitely excited for what more I am going to learn, and realize that this class is of great importance to me in my future teaching career.

Enjoy the video!

Matt's follow up blog!


  1. I think you hit the nail on the head when you say that it's hard to write lessons because we, ourselves, were not taught using technology and we tend to teach as we've been taught. That's the problem for our master teachers as well. Good luck in your lesson planning.

  2. I liked the video that you brought to our attention. It made me think of the lack of technology in schools right now as well. I too volunteered in a classroom where the only technology used was the tv and vcr to watch a movie. I completely agree with you when you say that teachers teach the way that they've been taught and because they don't have a lot of experience with technology they tend to steer clear from it and stick to paper and pencil, because it's comfortable. I also want to be able to incorporate technology in the classroom because its more exciting and attention grabbing. I am very glad I'm taking this class otherwise I probably would have never learned a lot of what I know now.

  3. Thanks Matthew-- I really appreciate the video and blogs I was able to think about myself as an educator and how I can improve the use of technology in the classroom.

    Breanne--I agree with your idea of being comfortable. I know that I am scared to try new things, but if it is going to make the classroom more exciting and keep attention better, then I am willing to make the sacrifice. This course has taught us so much already I am always looking forward to what we will learn about next.
