Friday, November 6, 2009

Digital Story Reflection

For my video, I used the basis of having a hero. In my video I explained that my brother Jason is my hero for serving in the military to defend us. I used images and a song to convey more meaning.

My Hero on PhotoPeach

Telling a digital story may be useful for teaching because it is more interesting and intriguing that normal lecture or worksheet instructions. An assignment can be introduced in a fun way, so that maybe the students will be more excited to complete the assignment. The music and pictures will captivate them making the assignment or project seem more fun or entertaining. This is also a great way to introduce a topic because a background story can be told. With digital story, the teacher could provide a fun story leading into the new unit or assignment. For example with my video, it would be a perfect introduction if I were to plan a hero based assignment. The video provides an example of who a hero could and be and example of why. Leading into an assginment, the digital story could ultimately be a fun way to introduce the unit or a fun way to prove instructions on what to do.

This may be useful for a student to do story telling this way because it allows the opportunity for creativity. The students could choose a medium to use, choose the images, and even pick a song to incorporate. They have so many options how to construct the story, so it makes it more fun since they are not being told what to do. This may also be useful because it integreates technology. I remember in elementary every year we would get a hard coverbook, where we had to construct a story based on a topic given to us. It was very exciting because it was like a real book, yet digital story telling provides so many more opportunities. With technology, there are a lot more tools and mediums to use. It is so much more broad than the paper and pencial method. Using technology to tell a story also gets the students knowledge with technology. So many times students are forced to use a pencil paper method, so as time goes on students are clueless with a lot of programs in technology. Yet if fun and convenient methods like digital story telling is introduced, then the students may feel more comfortable with technology. I know if I would have done things like this in school, I may feel more comfortable with a computer or the internet.

For the tool that I used (photopeach), I really liked it for the most part. One thing I liked was that it was very easy to use. The pictures uploaded in seconds, and there were step by step instructions. I also liked the options for adding music to the show. There weren't a set list of songs to use, instead you could search youtube or even upload a song you have on your computer. I really enjoyed that aspect because I had a song picked out, but wasn't sure if I would be able to use it. Another aspect I enjoyed was that after I finished, I was able to go back in and edit the captions. I made some spelling mistakes after I had pressed finished, so it was nice to be able to go back in and edit without having to redo it all. Although I really enjoyed photopeach, I found that there was one thing i got frustrated with. I had to remake my video 3 times! Although we were allowed to edit captions, nothing else could be changed (at least from what I could figure out). I ended up changing the title, song, and order of pictures which in all I had to redo the video. I may be able to blame it on my lack of planning intensively, but there were somethings that I just didn't think about until I watched the finished video.

Overall I really enjoyed making the digital story and the tool that I chose to use. This would provide a unique expereince to the classroom and I cannot wait to try it out!


  1. Awe I loved this video! I think you did a great job with the pictures, captions, and songs. It really made it obvious how much you care for your brother.

    I haven't done my digital story yet, because I couldn't decide on which one to use. I really like this one that you chose though so I think I'm going to research it. I love that you can use music and captions. I haven't worked with anything that involved audio yet so I'm excited!

    I also think this is a great way to make it fun for the students! Having them develop their own story about their hero is an excellent idea. I also like how there are not set guidelines so the students can be allowed to explore the technology more.

  2. Thanks! I really liked this specific tool, but looking at our classmates, there are a lot of cool ways to make a digital story! I want to do more just to test them all out! I also think it would be fun and allow them to be creative! I want to look into other digital story makers so I know which ones to use when I am teacher. Hope you have just as much fun making yours, can't wait to see!

  3. I really liked your video Jamie. It made me get teary eyed especially seeming I know your brother and I can just imagine what your family and you are going through. It also made me think of my brother going off to Germany in a couple of months and possibly Afghanistan after that. It's hard not being with them and being able to comfort them at a time like this. It was nice to see the experiences your brother has had and learn a little bit more about what happens in the marine core. It was also really cute that you picked him to be your hero. Fighting for your country is something to be very proud of.

    I used photopeach for mine as well. For the most part I liked it. I tried finding ways to make my story stand out more by changing the font and color of the blank slide but I couldn't figure out how to do that. But for digital storytelling I thought it did well. I didn't try to arrange the photos after I published it so I didn't experience the problem that you did but I could see how that could be frustrating.

  4. Wow Jamie, your video is great! really hit home :) God bless our troops.

  5. Thanks Breanne, I know you have a lot of the same feelings and situations I am going through!

    And thank you Holly, I really appreciate it!
